Input required: [SLS] SLS coordination: [Cesg-all] Draft Meeting Room Blocks for Darmstadt (9-12 November 2015) - REVIEW

Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at
Mon Jul 20 15:43:47 UTC 2015

Dear All,
        in the attached file you see the rooms requested by SLS for the 
Fall 2015 Meeting.
This plan includes some changes agreed by Enrico, Greg, and Massimo.
Can the other Chairs confirm if this plan is OK for them?


Gian Paolo

From:   Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at
To:     "Space Link Services -  SLS Area" <sls at>, 
Date:   16/07/2015 21:21
Subject:        [SLS] SLS coordination: [Cesg-all] Draft Meeting Room 
Blocks for Darmstadt (9-12 November 2015) - REVIEW
Sent by:        sls-bounces at

Please send me your comments at your earliest convenience to produce an 
SLS coordinated response. 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Nick Tongson" <NickT at>
Date: 16 Jul 2015 20:16:02 CEST
To: "'cesg-all at'" <cesg-all at>
Cc: "Tom Gannett" <TomG at>, "Brian Oliver" <BrianO at>, 
"Laura Stafford" <laurals at>
Subject: [Cesg-all] Draft Meeting Room Blocks for Darmstadt (9-12 November 
2015) - REVIEW

Dear All:
I have attached the meeting room blocks for the Fall 2015 Technical 
Meetings in Darmstadt, Germany from 9-12 November 2015 [NOTE: This will be 
a 4-day meeting schedule with the CESG meeting on Friday, 13 November 2015 
at ESOC.]. These room blocks are mostly based on the last 4-day meeting in 
Noordwijkerhout and the recent meeting at Caltech. 
Our goal is to have the online meeting registration site opened by early 
September 2015. In order to give the Secretariat IT staff enough time to 
build the online registration site, please review the room blocks and let 
me know by Friday, 7 August 2015 if there are any changes. We will try to 
accommodate your request/changes as best we can based on the rooms 
provided. Also, please let me know if you plan to use a room for only a 
few hours so that we can plan accordingly. In addition, let me know if you 
will need teleconference capabilities.
If your group did not meet at Caltech but plans to meet in Darmstadt, or 
if you have a new group that is meeting in Darmstadt, please provide me 
with an approximate number of attendees in addition to the number of days 
you plan to meet.
Finally, if you or any member of your Working Group are already planning 
to make hotel reservations for Darmstadt, please contact the hotel 
directly from the list provided on the CCSDS site. No special rates have 
been negotiated with any of the hotels due to the wide range of choices in 
the area.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 
Thank you.
Nick Tongson
For the Secretariat of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems 
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 20191-4344
nickt at 703.264.7515 (direct)
<image002.png><image009.png> <image010.png> <image011.png> <image012.png> 
<Draft CCSDS Room planning Nov2015.xlsx>
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