[Sls-slp] FW: [EXTERNAL] Fw: CCSDS RFM WG Spring meeting - comments received on DDOR inputs - status as of 6 April - C&S proposal

Kazz, Greg J (US 312B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue May 19 16:30:34 UTC 2020

Dear SLP WG,

Attached please find a Word document that contains proposed changes to the Shift register CRC diagrams in the AOS, TM, USLP, and Prox-1 CRC Space Data Link Protocol blue books.
These changes are proposed by NASA (see SLS_CS action item below). Please take some time to review the proposed changes and provide me with your comments. I would appreciate hearing back from you by the end of May if at all possible concerning those proposed changes to our diagrams.

Best regards,
Chairman SLP WG

From: "Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int" <Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int>
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 2:49 AM
To: "sls-rfm at mailman.ccsds.org" <sls-rfm at mailman.ccsds.org>, "Border, James S (US 335D)" <james.s.border at jpl.nasa.gov>, "Volk, Christopher P (US 335D)" <christopher.p.volk at jpl.nasa.gov>, "Kazz, Greg J (US 312B)" <greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov>, "Massimo.Bertinelli at esa.int" <Massimo.Bertinelli at esa.int>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fw: CCSDS RFM WG Spring meeting - comments received on DDOR inputs - status as of 6 April - C&S proposal

Dear All,

I have not received any negative comments concerning the suggested way forward from April 6, which is therefore agreed by both RFM and DDOR WGs.

Meanwhile, C&S WG discussed CS_20-03 and tentatively (minutes are still draft) agreed on the following action:
SLS-CS_20-03(PN shift registers, NASA)
NASA presented a proposal for the unification of the representation of the polynomial and diagrams representing PN shift registers in different CCSDS books (affecting also other WGs, e.g. RFM)
AI_20_04 was given to the WG to report about the proposal, the possible need to have a similar standard representation and, in case, the preferred way forward. September was set as deadline for the action.

I would suggest that we also agree on a similar action for the RFM WG with the same deadline. September would be compatible with the DDOR recommendation(s) agency review cycle.

If I do not hear from you otherwise by Friday, I will enter such action in the draft minutes of the meeting held by correspondence.

Incidentally, I would like to alert Greg that the SLP group should have a look at this NASA's input since it also proposes changes to 732.0-B-3  and 732.1-B-1, which I believe are under SLP WG purview. I attached the input again for SLP convenience.

Regards, Enrico

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