[Sls-slp] Spring CCSDS 2020 SLP WG Meeting

Kazz, Greg J (US 312B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Apr 9 15:51:08 UTC 2020

Spring CCSDS 2020 Space Link Protocols WG Meeting

Draft Agenda (to be updated; and your input welcome) Day 1 of perhaps 2

  1.  Quick summary of status of SPP (CCSDS 133.0-B-2) and EPP (CCSDS 133.1-B-3) documents
  2.  Proximity-1 Space Data Link Protocol (CCSDS 211.0-B) RID resolution – out for agency review – comments due by April 28
  3.  Updates to USLP (CCSDS 732.1-B) saved for later involving MC_OCF service, etc
  4.  Other pending updates to CCSDS blue books under SLP WG perview e.g., TC and AOS Space Data Link Protocols
  5.  Status of Pending SLP WG green books  for publication: USLP GB and OSCP GB
  6.  Latest updates to Draft SLS Glossary of Terms Magenta book
  7.  Note: SLS-C&S WG chairman would like SLP WG to give an executive summary of the retransmission parameter work we did in TC Space Data Link Protocol that shares an interface with the TC Sync & CC blue book. As I understand this request, it is to ensure that all participants in C&S WG are briefed on it.

If you have additional agenda items, please let me know.

Best regards,
Greg Kazz

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