[Sls-slp] Preparations for SLS_SLP WG meetings in San Antonio,TX

Kazz, Greg J (312B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Apr 13 20:53:55 UTC 2017

Dear SLP WG member,

I have put materials now onto the SLP portion of the CWE that contains the following work-in-progress products:
Please go to the following URL to see them:

1.       The redlined version and clean current version of the Draft USLP Green Book.

2.       Under the directory, “RED-2 USLP Items”, you will find:

a.       An Excel spreadsheet containing the current set of USLP RED-2 RIDs

b.       An Updated Word document, containing comments highlighted in yellow that reference the NASA RIDs from the spreadsheet above. In addition, many of the ballon comments from the previous version have been suppressed to aide in reading. This document replaces the earlier pdf copy that I previously emailed.

3.       A word document entitled: “Security_Association_Directionality”. See directly below.

       This word document states a problem that affects SLP brought to us by SDLS WG and a potential solution concerning how to add directionality to the GVCID identifier. At the San Antonio meetings, we are planning to address this issue on Thursday PM in the SLP WG meeting. Please see the current draft agenda on the CWE about this and the other SLP WG activities.

Again, If your agency has accumulated RIDs against USLP RED-2 please forward them on to me.

Thank you,

Greg Kazz

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