[Sls-slp] The Proposed NGSLP Spacecraft ID Use Field

Takahiro Yamada tyamada at isas.jaxa.jp
Wed May 21 04:36:25 UTC 2014


> The proposed NGSLP frame format has a  SPACECRAFT ID USE FIELD field that would identify  mission phase in which the data contained in the transfer frame was generated. This proposed field is 2 bits long.  This field is not going to change after launch so:   Is this field necessary?  Or should ground data services provide an other method (e.g., SFDU header) to identify when the data was generated?

At the ground system of JAXA/ISAS, every frame or packet is associated with a generation or reception time, So, the field you mentioned above is not necessary.

Best regards,
Takahiro Yamada

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