[Sls-slp] Proximity-1 Data Link Specification for final SLP WG review

Kazz, Greg J (313B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Aug 19 22:13:39 UTC 2013

Dear SLP WG members,

Tom Gannett has provided us now with a pre-approval version for the CESG of the Proximity-1 Space Data Link Protocol.

Please review the attached documents and send me and Tom any comments you have (redlines of the clean version would work, if you have the bandwidth to send a 20 Megabyte file !) to me and Tom by Sept. 13.

There are two files in the CWE directory below. One is a red-lined version so that you can see the changes made and also a clean version.


Best regards,

Greg Kazz
EEISE Group Supervisor
Systems Engineering Section (Section 313)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena  CA 91109
MS 301-490
(818) 393-6529 (office)
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