[Sls-slp] FW: PICS annex for proximity-1 dll

Kazz, Greg J (313B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Aug 7 16:21:51 UTC 2013

Dear SLP WG,

Attached is the Prox-1 Data Link Layer PICS Proforma annex that Tom
Gannett has formatted for us.
Please review it and make sure that it is complete (we are not missing any
parameters) and that the values and designations (Optional vs Mandatory)
is appropriate. Note that we have previously decided that Half-Duplex
operations are Optional; However the SET DUPLEX parameter is mandatory
since the DULEX variable must be set. I expect some discussion about
whether some of these parameters should be Mandatory or Optional. I would
like us to be able to resolve these issues and provide me with an updated
PICs by Aug. 22.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Greg Kazz
EEISE Group Supervisor
Systems Engineering Section (Section 313)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena  CA 91109
MS 301-490
(818) 393-6529 (office)


On 8/7/13 6:51 AM, "Thomas Gannett" <tomg at aiaa.org> wrote:

>The attached PICS annex reflects your changes. I don't really know
>who makes up the review team, so I think you should distribute it. If
>you know of individuals who were involved in the protocol testing it
>would be helpful to include them.
>You might also communicate the following PICS general principles to
>the review team:
>- A PICS proforma is supposed to be limited to static conformance
>requirements, so any items referencing dynamic protocol behavior
>should be omitted.
>- A PICS proforma is supposed to list ALL optional capabilities but
>only MAJOR mandatory capabilities. Reviewers should determine whether
>lists of all-mandatory capabilities subordinate to a higher-level
>mandatory capability can be reduced to show simply the higher-level
>- Items that reference implementation-internal behavior that does not
>affect interoperability should not be included.
>I'm still cross checking to make sure all the changes have been made
>to the specification itself.  I'll send it for WG signoff when I'm done.
>At 08:19 PM 8/6/2013, Kazz, Greg J (313B) wrote:
>>Hi Tom,
>>I went through the proposed PICS for the Data Link Layer and made some
>>changes some of which we spoke about over the phone and some new ones.
>>Please use this content to send out to the review team. No doubt we will
>>quibble over some Os and Ms, but for the most part, I feel pretty secure
>>about them.
>>Also note:
>>1. Like we talked about, add a note about DLL = Data Link Layer in the
>>item mneumonic
>>2. I found an error in the Prox-1 spec. It is in the MIB annex (now annex
>>C ?). Remote_PCID is Mandatory (it says Optional in the spec, which needs
>>to be corrected.)
>>Greg Kazz
>>EEISE Group Supervisor
>>Systems Engineering Section (Section 313)
>>Jet Propulsion Laboratory
>>4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena  CA 91109
>>MS 301-490
>>(818) 393-6529 (office)
>>On 7/31/13 12:31 PM, "Thomas Gannett" <tomg at aiaa.org> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >Thomas Gannett
>> >+1 443 472 0805
>Thomas Gannett
>+1 443 472 0805 

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