[Sls-slp] FW: inconsistent bit numbering for CLCWs in AOS and TM Space Data Protocol specs

Kazz, Greg J (313B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Jul 31 16:13:15 UTC 2012

Dear SLP,

A new RID for disposition at the SLP meeting in Cleveland. Please see below.

Thanks John!

Greg Kazz
From: John Pietras <john.pietras at gst.com<mailto:john.pietras at gst.com>>
Date: Monday, July 30, 2012 2:46 PM
To: "Kazz, Greg J (313B)" <greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Subject: inconsistent bit numbering for CLCWs in AOS and TM Space Data Protocol specs

There’s inconsistent usage of “first” bit in the AOS and TM Space Data Protocol specs (732.0-B-2 and 132.0-B-1, respectively).

The boilerplate section 1.6.3, Conventions, states “The first bit in the field to be transmitted (i.e., the most left justified when drawing a figure) is defined to be ‘Bit 0’ ”, and that’s also illustrated in figure 1-1.

However, in section 4.1.5 (OPERATIONAL CONTROL FIELD) the following statements appear: The leading bit of the field, i.e., bit 0, shall contain a Type Flag with the following meanings: … The first bit of a Type-2-Report (i.e., bit 1 of the Operational Control Field) shall indicate the use of this report as follows: …

The last sentence of NOTE 2 under reads “This issue of the Recommendation does not define the use of Type-2-Reports; however, it reserves the possibility to do so in future issues by restricting the utilization of the first bit.”

That is, uses the otherwise-undefined term “leading bit” to refer to bit 0, and uses “first bit” to refer to bit 1.

To be consistent with the Conventions ion 1.6.3:

-  should read  “The first bit of the field, i.e., bit 0, shall contain a Type Flag with the following meanings: …”

-  should read “The second bit of a Type-2-Report (i.e., bit 1 of the Operational Control Field) shall indicate the use of this report as follows: …”, and

-          The last sentence of NOTE 2 under should read “This issue of the Recommendation does not define the use of Type-2-Reports; however, it reserves the possibility to do so in future issues by restricting the utilization of the second bit.”

Something to file away in your list of errata to eventually be fixed.


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