[Sls-slp] FW: 5th Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Ground and Space Applications, TTC 2010

Kazz, Greg J (313B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Feb 1 18:23:20 UTC 2010


Please note the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to March 1st.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int [mailto:Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 1:29 AM
To: Hooke, Adrian J (9000); Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov; sls at mailman.ccsds.org; Kazz, Greg J (313B); Greenberg, Edward (313B); gifford at rintintin.colorado.edu; Patrick Fink; Richard Barton; Schlesinger, Adam M. (JSC-EV); Cosby Matthew; Massimo.Bertinelli at esa.int; Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int; Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int; Jean-Francois.Dufour at esa.int; Michel.Tossaint at esa.int; Jean-luc.Issler at cnes.fr; Bompis Olivier; Edoardo.Marelli at esa.int; Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr; cesg-all at mailman.ccsds.org
Cc: craigd at aiaa.org; paul.mcmanamon at esa.int; Massimo.Bertinelli at esa.int
Subject: 5th Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Ground and Space Applications, TTC 2010

Please circulate widely. Deadline for abstract submission is 1st February


The Communications-TT&C Systems and Techniques Section of the Directorate of
Technical and Quality Management is pleased to announce the Fifth Workshop on
Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Ground and Space Applications,
TTC 2010, which will be held from the 21st to the 23rd of September 2010 at
the European Space Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

Tracking, Telemetry and Command systems are of fundamental importance in the
space programmes. Recent developments in the areas of telecommunications,
signal processing, computing and electronics provide new capabilities in the
design and functionality of TTC systems either in space or in ground systems.
New frequency bands will be used for TTC applications in the future. Their
adequate exploitation will be fundamental for innovation and for driving
forward the next generation of TTC links in order to support the demanding
communications requirements of future manned and unmanned missions. Deep
space missions are evolving and the applications required place demanding
requirements and challenges on the TTC system design. Methods and
architectures for the handling of TTC components and their interconnection
are also evolving and will cause the space systems to be closer to the
community of users.

Alongside with the workshop, an industrial exhibition will be organized.
European companies active in the TTC area will be invited to exhibit samples
of their products either by mean of equipment demonstrations or by
appropriate posters. The workshop will focus on TTC applications, TTC
technology, TTC trends and TTC requirements for both ground based and space
based equipment's, with the aim of fostering exchanges between the people
involved in the research and industrial development. Contributions from
European and non-European companies, organisations, universities and
institutions are solicited.


The aim of the TTC 2010 Workshop is to assemble an international forum where

TTC equipment designers, systems developers, added value system suppliers,

operators, experts, universities and space agencies can openly discuss their

ideas, share their experiences and formulate challenges to be met. The

workshop will offer an overview of the technologies in use or in development.

Hence, it will be a suitable forum for identifying trends in the

requirements, architectures and technologies to be given attention during the

coming years.  Participants will have the opportunity to share their

technical expertise and views by formal presentations, informal discussions

and round tables leading to:

   Explore innovative approaches and new technology trends in the area of TTC

      that will permit to satisfy the needs of future space programmes

   Identify potential areas for cross-fertilisation between the different

      space programmes, taking also benefit of synergies between commercial

      and scientific applications

Best regards

Jean-Luc Gerner
Tel: +31 71 565 4473

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