[Sls-slp] concept for a High Rate Uplink Protocol and Code

Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int
Fri Jul 15 15:02:56 UTC 2005

You will find in the attached a proposal for one more rationale, suggested
(and approved by me) by Jose Vicente Perello from my section. Note that this
new rationale should reflect also into the Uplink Constraints and Possible
Recommendations sections of the document but we have not gone that far yet.
(See attached file: White Paper for a high rate uplink-esa1 .doc)
For your consideration

best regards

Jean-Luc Gerner
Tel: +31 71 565 4473

                      Greg Kazz                                                                                                          
                      <greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.         To:      sls-slp at mailman.ccsds.org                                                  
                      gov>                           cc:                                                                                 
                      Sent by:                       Subject: [Sls-slp] concept for a High Rate Uplink Protocol and Code                 
                      sls-slp-bounces at mailma                                                                                             
                      12/07/2005 18:39                                                                                                   

Dear High Rate Uplink BOF members and interested parties,

Attached is a word document from Ed Greenberg who is formulating a CCSDS
White paper for a High Rate Uplink Protocol and Code.

I would appreciate it if you would read this concept outline and provide
feedback both to the sls-slp mailing group.


Greg(See attached file: White Paper for a high rate uplink protocol and
Sls-slp mailing list
Sls-slp at mailman.ccsds.org

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