[Sls-sea-dls] Approval of SDLS Extended Procedures publication data pack

Moury Gilles Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr
Wed Jul 31 08:22:23 UTC 2019

Dear SDLS WG member,

Please find attached, for approval, the data pack for the publication of SDLS Extended Procedures Blue Book. This data pack contains the following documents:

-       Final draft of the SDLS Extended Procedures Blue Book (355.1-B): this final draft (355x1Bdraft_final_RIDs_implemented_30072019.doc) incorporates:
o       All RIDs dispositions from the agency review
o       All modifications agreed at our May 8-9 2019 meeting (see MoM on CWE)
o       All modifications agreed at our July 18 2019 telecon (see MoM on CWE)
o       The following editorial modifications I made on the master file provided by Daniel Fisher as a result of July 18 telecon (355x1r1_final_RIDs_implemented_23072019):
*       Modify reference of document to reflect final draft blue book status
*       §1.4 : change reference [C3] to [C13] (SDLS EP GB)
*       Correct text for § signaling of Create SA request
*       Correct figure D-10 to show ARSN on 96-bit
*       Inserted comments for the CCSDS Editor to remove "hard coded" references
*       Various typos

-       Final Interoperability testing report prepared by ESA/NASA (David Koisser/John Lucas):

-       Compilation of RIDs dispositions from the Agency Review:

-       Draft SLS/SEA resolution to request publication of the document:

I will forward the resolution to publish to SLS and SEA area directors by mid next week, pending WG approval.

Note to Daniel Fischer, Bruno Saba and Craig Biggerstaff : could you please send me the last version of the drawings/figures files (visio or ppt). I will need to provide the drawings source files to the CCSDS Editor together with the word file. In particular I will need the source file for figure 5-28 (Dump Log Reply PDU) in which there is a typo to correct (remove "Length" from the "Event Message" data field of the PDU).

Best regards,

Gilles MOURY
SDLS WG Chairman

        Gilles MOURY

Senior Adviser On-Board Architecture & Avionics

Architecture, Validation & Integration Department
18 avenue Edouard Belin 31401 Toulouse Cedex 9

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