[Sls-rng] Fw: CCSDS SLS Presentation to CMC

Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int
Mon Jan 29 04:38:20 EST 2007

More info, Enrico
----- Forwarded by Enrico Vassallo/esoc/ESA on 29/01/2007 10:37 -----

Jean-Luc Gerner/estec/ESA 
25/01/2007 01:06

Enrico Vassallo/esoc/ESA at ESA, Gian Paolo Calzolari/esoc/ESA, 
greg.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov @ ESA, pen-shu.yeh at gsfc.nasa.gov @ ESA
Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr @ ESA
CCSDS SLS Presentation to CMC

Dear all,
Thanks again for your contribution. The presentation went well and 
resolutions were accepted.

The only point to be noted is related with putting WGs in limbo for 
further reactivation:
- For TCC, the CMC decided that it should be closed and a new WG created 
once the HRU needs are identified (which may take some time!).
- For SLP, CMC did not react to the proposal to set it idle until clear 
requirements are available from Mars BOF, Wireless BOF, Cislunar WG, ... 
However, My feeling and that of Gilles is that we better close it because 
one does not know when it could be reactivated, given that no clear need 
is expected to be available at the moment. Greg, what do you think?

Cross-area issues:
Lunar/Mars missions. New needs may not be covered by Prox-1. New needs are 
to be identified. Upgrade of Prox-1 (?), development of Prox-2 (?). 
Inter-areas coordination to be put in place with SIS (Cislunar WG, Mars 
BOF) and SOIS (Wireless BOF). 
On this one, the CMC agreed that inter-agency coordination is needed. 
Decision to put in place a mailing list for easy info exchange between 

Jean-Luc Gerner
Tel: +31 71 565 4473
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