[Sls-ngu] CCSDS SLS-NGU WG Meeting Minutes for Spring 2010 Portsmouth, VA meeting

Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int
Wed Jun 9 05:39:49 EDT 2010

        just a comment about the following sentence:
"Note that it does not make sense to use CC(7,1/2) and the BCH code in 
Single Error Correction/Double Error Detection (SEC/DED) mode, given that 
the BCH code would be easily overwhelmed in that mode by the burst errors 
output from the Viterbi decoder."
Even if performances may not be better, agencies may need to use the 
proposed concatenation over SEC mode because of other factors (e.g. 
backward compatibility, versatility, etc.).
With the clear understanding that all this should be part of the WG 
evaluation and work, you may want to soften this sentence pointing to 
For the rest I look forward to receiving your (NASA + CNES) white paper 
with CWE project proposal.


Gian Paolo

"Kazz, Greg J (313B)" <greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov> 
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08-06-2010 21:58

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[Sls-ngu] CCSDS SLS-NGU WG Meeting Minutes for Spring 2010 Portsmouth, VA 

Attached please find a word version of the DRAFT CCSDS SLS-NGU WG Meeting 
Minutes for Spring 2010 Portsmouth, VA meeting.
Please let me know if you have any issues/concerns related to these 
minutes and would like to offer any suggestions/changes. 
My plan is to publish the final minutes by July 2, 2010.
Thanks in advance for your consideration and good reading!
Greg Kazz
Chairman CCSDS SLP-NGU WG[attachment "SLS-NGU_Spring20010(Minutes)_GK.doc" 
deleted by Gian Paolo Calzolari/esoc/ESA] 
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