[SLS-DC] CCSDS Data Compression Working Group Spring 2024 TEAMS meeting information

Aniello Fiengo Aniello.Fiengo at ext.esa.int
Mon Apr 29 17:44:46 UTC 2024

Dear colleagues,

Unfortunately, I won't be able to join you as the time shift is a bit complicated to handle.
However, there are a couple of things I'd like to share with you.

First, I had a discussion with the people from CHIME, they are collecting a dataset for the cloud detection algorithm with cloud masks that will be used to test the "multiclass" (only 2 classes for CHIME) compression. They are willing to share with us the dataset with both the cloud images and the cloud masks once ready.

Also, in CHIME we have discussed the use of some additional metrics for the compression that could be of interest for the 123B3 green book:

  *   The covariance between input and ouput
  *   The crosscorrelation between input and compression error
  *   The crosscorrelation between output and compression error
We had an intern working on compression using the 123B2 with different preprocessing and the Generalised Anscombe Transformation and those metrics were quite insightful, it could be worthed to consider them.

I wish you all a good meeting, I'll try to keep track of the discussions through email.

Best regards,

Aniello Fiengo, Phd
On-Board Payload Data Processing Engineer
HE Space for ESA - European Space Agency
Wave Interaction and Propagation Section [TEC-EFW]
Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality

Keplerlaan 1, PO box 299,
NL-2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands
aniello.fiengo at ext.esa.int<mailto:aniello.fiengo at ext.esa.int> | www.esa.int<http://www.esa.int/>
T +31 71 56 55129 | Room: Da217

From: SLS-DC <sls-dc-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of Wong, Englin (GSFC-5670) via SLS-DC
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2024 5:16 PM
To: sls-dc at mailman.ccsds.org
Subject: [SLS-DC] CCSDS Data Compression Working Group Spring 2024 TEAMS meeting information

Hi All,

Just a reminder that the Data Compression Working group will meet:

4/29/2024 Monday 09:00am -11:45am (EDT): Administrative + SAR compression
4/29/2024 Monday 01:00pm -05:00pm (EDT): SAR compression + Near-lossless compression B3
4/30/2024 Tuesday 08:45am -11:45am (EDT): Housekeeping data compression Greenbook
4/30/2024 Tuesday                   01:00pm (EDT): Closing

(Thanks Sam for pointing out we are at daylight saving time)

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Mark Wong, Ph.D.
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Flight Microwave & Telecommunication Systems Branch/Code 567
Greenbelt, MD 20771
B19 Rm S030
Phone: 1-301-286-6549

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