[SLS-DC] CCSDS Data Compression Working Group Spring 2024 TEAMS meeting information

Wong, Englin (GSFC-5670) mark.wong at nasa.gov
Fri Apr 26 15:16:28 UTC 2024

Hi All,

Just a reminder that the Data Compression Working group will meet:

4/29/2024 Monday 09:00am -11:45am (EDT): Administrative + SAR compression
4/29/2024 Monday 01:00pm -05:00pm (EDT): SAR compression + Near-lossless compression B3
4/30/2024 Tuesday 08:45am -11:45am (EDT): Housekeeping data compression Greenbook
4/30/2024 Tuesday                   01:00pm (EDT): Closing

(Thanks Sam for pointing out we are at daylight saving time)

Please see below for the TEAMS meeting information and it should work for both days:

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Meeting ID: 219 891 408 772
Passcode: gMjM6x
Dial-in by phone
+1 256-715-9946,,885332073#<tel:+12567159946,,885332073> United States, Huntsville
Find a local number<https://dialin.teams.microsoft.com/19c0a492-90c6-4dcc-b305-a553fc69dc5b?id=885332073>
Phone conference ID: 885 332 073#
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Mark Wong, Ph.D.
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Flight Microwave & Telecommunication Systems Branch/Code 567
Greenbelt, MD 20771
B19 Rm S030
Phone: 1-301-286-6549

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