[SLS-CC] Joint CCSDS C&S and SLP WG telecon

Kazz, Greg J (US 312B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Sep 14 16:27:23 UTC 2021

Meeting: Joint CCSDS C&S WG and SLP WG Telecon in preparation for the Fall CCSDS Meetings in October 2021


  1.  To ensure both of our WGs are in sync with respect to the SLE Return Link Service PIDs are respective WGs have submitted
  2.  How are Variable Length Frames (VLFs) on the Space to Ground Link intended to work given the current set of  channel codes defined for them in TM Sync & CC (131.0-B)


Several of us are participating in the review of the followingl SLE blue books (SLE RAF, SLE RCF, SLE ROCF, SLE FCLTU, SLE FSP). We have found several discrepancies in these documents and want to ensure that our WGs are on the same page with respect to our inputs to the CSTS WG.

A separate issue which seems to be mixed into the review of these return SLE documents is the issue of the appropriate use of variable length frames (VLFs) on the return link. The SLP WG asserts that the TM Sync & CC blue book Chapter 8 (LDPC Slicing) already provides the option to slice fixed or variable length transfer frames on the space to ground link. Perhaps it would make sense to explicitly state that both fixed and variable length USLP frames are supported by this approach in that 131.0 document. We believe currently the text in Chapter 8 implies this is a true statement for variable length frames as well. We would like to discuss the options available with the C&S WG.

Also note that on the Proximity link, variable length prox-1 transfer frames are currently being sliced on the return proximity link per the Prox-1 C&S blue book (211.2).

Best regards,

Greg Kazz & Matt Cosby

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