[Sis-exec] Resolution to review/publish Voice Green Book

Durst, Robert C. durst at mitre.org
Wed Aug 4 14:58:23 EDT 2010


1)      Am assuming that I don't actually need to provide the doc, since you've got something that's way better than I could provide, and

2)      This is written from a SIS perspective.   The resolution to publish the DTN Green Book (which has already been balloted by the CESG) SEEMS like it should be written as a CESG resolution.  I can do (have done) it either way - which is preferred?  Have noticed many of the current polls written from a CESG perspective rather than from the perspective of the area.


The Space Internetworking Services Area,

CONSIDERING that the Voice Working Group is chartered to produce an informational report that presents an overview of voice communications in human-in-space operations, and

RECOGNIZING that the attached Draft Green Book represents the consensus of the working group for such a document, therefore

RESOLVES to submit the Voice Draft Green Book for CCSDS Engineering Steering Group review and publication.

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