Durst, Robert C. durst at mitre.org
Wed May 24 10:31:42 EDT 2006

At the CESG meeting, the Saturday after the CCSDS week in Rome, we will
discuss a number of topics, one of which has been assigned to me:
4.  Cislunar, Mars and future "profile" activities (Durst) 

	We are seeing the need for developing an integrated, top-down
profile of recommended CCSDS standards for use on and around the Moon
and Mars. How do we select and validate the profile? 

The format for these discussions is "5 minutes" of introduction (by me)
and the remainder of the hour of discussion (by the CESG).  I don't
think that our interests are served by having the CESG pontificate
(it's Rome, after all) for 55 minutes on profiles that our area needs.
Accordingly, I'd like to discuss this during our SIS Plenary, and make
sure that we have a shared understanding about what how I should steer
this discussion and what we want to end up with (lest we all suffer the
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