[Sis-exec] Procedure for wrapping up Working Group activities.

Durst, Robert C. durst at mitre.org
Fri Apr 8 02:47:33 EDT 2005


I've been trying to figure out what the procedure is for completing the
business of a working group and shutting it down.  We're (finally) facing
that with the SPP WG, and UCE is not too far behind (we hope).  Anyway,
here's the flow for publishing a document and shutting down a working group.
(This assumes that whatever required reviews have been completed prior to
this process beginning.)  Of course, if the WG has other approved
deliverables in its charter, it would not dissolve.

1)	Complete whatever document review is required, incorporate
modifications resulting from review to create "final text." 
2)	WG chair emails document to secretariat
(secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org), ccing the WG's (CCSDS-archived) email list.
3)	At the same time, the WG chair forms a WG resolution requesting
publication of the document and emails it to the SIS list
(sis at mailman.ccsds.org), ccing the WG's email list.
4)	SIS Area will form resolution to CESG requesting formal publication
of the subject document.  This will result in a CESG poll, in which the
document is potentially reviewed (yet again).  However, once agency review
has been completed (non Green Books), it is reasonable to expect a simple
unconditional approval.  
5)	Upon CESG approval, the CESG will form a resolution to the CMC to
publish the document.  When the CMC acts, the document will be massaged by
the secretariat to get it into the proper format (may be editorial
interactions at this point, but likely these will occur much earlier).
6)	Once the CMC publishes the document, the WG chair will formulate a
resolution to the Area Director (as in 3 above) "considering that" the WG
has achieved the goals and completed the products within its WG charter,
resolves to dissolve itself.
7)	The Area Director formulates a corresponding resolution to the CESG,
which bubbles up the chain as before. 

Dai, you're the guinea pig for this, as SPP is the first WG to complete.
We'll see how it goes.

Bob Durst

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