[Sis-dtn] STINT 2024 CFP (Due April 3rd)

Birrane, Edward J. Edward.Birrane at jhuapl.edu
Mon Mar 4 04:15:55 UTC 2024


The Space-Terrestrial Internetworking Workshop (STINT) is celebrating 10 years of research, demonstrations, and applications of DTN technologies for space networking!

This year, we are hosted by the IEEE Space Mission Challenges for IT/Space Computing Conference (SMC-IT/SCC) which occurs from July 15-19 in Mountain View, CA. 

Our 2024 workshop theme is "Bits on the Moon" and our workshop overview, program, and dates can be found at: https://www.stintworkshops.org/. 

The best way for you to celebrate this decadal milestone is to share with us your research on space networking topics. To that end, paper submissions are due April 3rd, and should be submitted directly to the SMC-IT/SCC conference website (https://smcit-scc.space/). Please select "STINT" as the venue when submitting.  

We look forward to seeing you and hearing about your work and progress this summer!


Edward J. Birrane, III, Ph.D. (he/him/his)
Chief Engineer, Space Networking
Space Systems Implementation Branch
Space Exploration Sector
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
(W) 443-778-7423 / (F) 443-228-3839

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