[Sis-dtn] SIS-DTN meeting requirements for Spring CCSDS meetings

Robert C Durst durst at mitre.org
Fri Mar 1 13:33:48 UTC 2024

I knew I was forgetting something:  Tomaso suggested that we meet with
MOIMS/SM&C to discuss First Hop/Last Hop service.  I've reached out to the
WG chair to determine if and when such a meeting would work for them.


From: Robert C Durst 
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2024 7:54 AM
To: sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org
Subject: FW: SIS-DTN meeting requirements for Spring CCSDS meetings


SIS-DTN Colleagues,


It's entirely possible that I've overlooked joint meetings with other WGs or
meeting logistics items that are needed for the Spring meetings.  If that's
the case, please reply to *this* email rather than the one to the CCSDS
secretariat.  I'll resolve potential conflicts and then resend.  Scheduling
these meetings is difficult, and I'd prefer not to inundate the Secretariat
with our internal discussions.  A more organized version of me would have an
agenda for each day laid out for your review and comment prior to putting in
the meeting request.  Alas, that version of me does not exist, and I wanted
to get our foot in the door prior to the scheduling deadline.  I figure that
we have the ability to update our request at most *once*, so if you see
things we need to tweak, please let me know.  


Thanks!  I look forward to seeing you all soon!


From: Robert C Durst 
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2024 7:49 AM
To: Amber Massaquoi <AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com
<mailto:AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com> >
Cc: Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de <mailto:Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de> ;
sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org <mailto:sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org> 
Subject: SIS-DTN meeting requirements for Spring CCSDS meetings




Here are the meeting room needs for SIS-DTN for the Spring CCSDS meetings:


We intend to meet Tuesday through Friday, from whatever the most reasonable
starting time is (8:45 am?) until end of day (5:30 pm?).


We need to have two meetings with other working groups:  

*	CSS Area with SIS-DTN WG:  preferably the latter half of Wednesday
morning, May 1st
*	SEA-Security WG with SIS-DTN WG:  Preferably Thursday afternoon, May


We will need Videoconferencing support in our meeting room each day, as some
of our participants will be unable to travel to the meetings.


I expect that our in-person attendance will be consistent with that of
previous meetings.


Many thanks,



Robert C. Durst


Chief Engineer, Infrastructure and Networking Innovation Center

The MITRE Corporation

O: 703-983-7535

C: 703-217-7414

E:  <mailto:durst at mitre.org> durst at mitre.org



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