[Sis-dtn] [EXTERNAL] Revised SIS-DTN Agenda for Fall meetings in the Hague

Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-AS50)[EMERITUS PROGRAM] rodney.p.grubbs at nasa.gov
Thu Oct 19 18:23:20 UTC 2023

Re: We also need/want to have a GRC presentation on their work related to RTP over DTN – did you touch base with them?


Yes, I’ve asked them to put a slide deck together and even with the time difference at least one GRC person may be able to present. 


“Live Life Forward”

Rodney Grubbs, NASA Emeritus

Chair, CCSDS Motion Imagery & Applications Working Group

Deputy Area Director, Space Internetworking Services Area

931-229-6030 (Personal phone)


Note: I retired from NASA on March 31, 2023. My Emeritus status only relates to supporting NASA/MSFC’s CCSDS matters.



From: Robert C Durst <durst at mitre.org>
Date: Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 10:47 AM
To: "sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org" <sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org>, "rodney.p.grubbs at nasa.gov" <rodney.p.grubbs at nasa.gov>, "Howard Weiss (howard.weiss at parsons.com)" <howard.weiss at parsons.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Revised SIS-DTN Agenda for Fall meetings in the Hague




As a result of today’s SIS-DTN Teams meeting, we have made some revisions to the draft agenda for the week.  The revised agenda is attached and on CWE (here).


Rodney – I didn’t list the details of our joint session, but we have presenters from Korea and JPL to discuss video streaming over DTN in KPLO.  We also need/want to have a GRC presentation on their work related to RTP over DTN – did you touch base with them?


Howie – I have a joint DTN/Security session on the agenda for Thursday afternoon.  BPSec will still be in ballot, and so I’m open to topics.  One that came to mind was the role of DTN and BPSec in an overall mission security architecture and what, if anything, the DTN-WG needs to do to support that.  (On a potentially related note, we will be discussing DTN and BPSec managed data on Wednesday morning.)  Interested in your thoughts.  It might be interesting to have a sense of what missions need to do to get their architectures and implementations accredited and what will be required from an “ATO” perspective.


Comments welcome. 


Thanks, all!


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