[Sis-dtn] Request for Comments (no, not the IETF kind) on draft schedule of SIS-DTN Discussions

sburleig.sb at gmail.com sburleig.sb at gmail.com
Thu May 18 03:22:25 UTC 2023

This looks good to me, Bob.




From: Robert C Durst <durst at mitre.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 2:23 PM
To: sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org
Cc: sburleig.sb at gmail.com; Birrane, Edward J. <Edward.Birrane at jhuapl.edu>;
Birrane, Edward J. (GSFC-460.0)[Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Lab] <edward.j.birrane at nasa.gov>
Subject: Request for Comments (no, not the IETF kind) on draft schedule of
SIS-DTN Discussions




We are spread out all over the world, and our meetings are always difficult
for some to attend.  I believe that it would be beneficial to try to lay out
a schedule of topics for our Thursday 11am EDT meetings.  I have asked Scott
Burleigh to address the topic of BPv7 Multipoint Delivery for tomorrow
(5/18).  The topics for subsequent meetings are not firmly established, but
I have prepared the following proposed schedule for the next few weeks that
I'd like people's input on:


Draft Schedule for SIS-DTN Telecons (up for discussion):


5/18 -- Multipoint Delivery (S. Burleigh leading discussion)


5/25 -- CCSDS BPSec Default Security Contexts (Ed Birrane leading --

Need to invite SEA/Security WG members


6/1 -- WG Consensus on BPSec RC2 

(+/- results of BPSec Default Security Contexts discussion)


6/8 -- BPv7 RID Resolution Kickoff (Agency Review closes 6/6) plus BPv7 SANA
Registry Questions


6/15 -- LTP Corrigendum


6/22 -- Update on BPv7 Compressed Status Reporting (Felix -- tentative)


6/29 -- TBD (Net Mgt ADMs -- BPv7 Core ADMs, BPv7 CLA ADMs?) -- (JHU-APL)


7/6 -- Probably no meeting


7/13 -- BPv7 RID Resolution Status Sync


Thoughts?  What have I missed?



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