[Sis-dtn] Resolutions from SIS-DTN WG to SIS Area Director

Robert C Durst durst at mitre.org
Mon May 15 14:19:37 UTC 2023



Below find the draft resolutions that I referred to in our report to the SIS
Area Director.  


I realize that many WG members are traveling back home from the meetings, as
am I, and that there are undoubtedly many competing priorities upon your
return.  However, I request that you look carefully at these and communicate
any non-concurrence to me as soon as possible.  While CCSDS doesn't require
unanimity to proceed, it does operate on consensus.  To that end, if there
is something that I have said below that *doesn't* reflect the consensus of
the working group, please let me know as soon as possible.


Also, to charter an Orange Book for the BPv7 Multi-Destination capability,
we will need to have a lead agency (presumably NASA) and a resource estimate
in staff months for the WG's part of the effort.   This should include
document preparation, prototype development, additional agency technical
contributions, and WG review and comment (but not including secretariat
editorial support).  I'm assuming/hoping that this can be completed in 4-6
staff-months and within 7 calendar months (6/1/2023-12/31/2023).  Please
give me your thoughts on this.  The CCSDS "Reference" cost model is shown in
the table below - it doesn't directly address Orange Book preparation, but I
based my 4-6 sm estimate on this model.


Here are the draft resolutions:


BPSec Agency Review


SIS_DTN-R-2023-05-001:  The CCSDS SIS DTN WG, having reached consensus
internally and with the CCSDS SEA Security WG that the DTN Bundle Security
Protocol is ready to proceed to agency review, resolves to submit the
attached to the SIS Area Director for review, and upon approval, submission
to the CESG for polling and CCSDS Member Agency approval.


Charter DTN Multi-Destination Orange Book Project


SIS_DTN-R-2023-05-002:  The CCSDS SIS DTN WG, having determined 1) that
efficient multi-destination delivery of BPv7 traffic is critical to upcoming
missions and 2) that an Experimental Protocol meets the immediate need to
test and validate the proposed protocol mechanisms and recognizing 3) that a
Recommended Standard may follow at a future date to validate interagency
interoperability, resolves to request that the SIS Area Director request
chartering a project for development of a DTN BPv7 Multi-Destination
Delivery capability to be specified initially in a CCSDS Orange Book, with
the anticipated project date of 6/1/2023, the anticipated project completion
date of 12/31/2023, and agency participation led by NASA and supported by


Further Resolutions anticipated in the next 6 months:


Reaffirm LTP with the Technical Corrigendum under review within the WG


Approve Compressed Bundle Status Orange Book and DTN Multi-Destination
Orange Book for publication


Here is the CCSDS "Cost Model":

Cost Model Assumptions / Resource Allocation Guidelines

Complex Standard Assumptions
Book Editor
- GB 6 mm
- BB 10 mm
- MB 8 mm
Prototype 1: 8 mm
Prototype 2: 8 mm
WG Chair 2 mm
Technical Contributor 1 mm each (Minimum 2 Contributors)
Technical Monitor 1 mm each (Minimum 2 Monitors)

Normal Standard Assumptions
Book Editor
- GB 4 mm
- BB 6 mm
- MB 6 mm
Prototype 1: 3 mm
Prototype 2: 3 mm
WG Chair 2 mm
Technical Contributor 1 mm each (Minimum 1 Contributor)


I would appreciate your thoughts on these items as soon as possible.  Many


Best regards,


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