[Sis-dtn] Current status and today's telecon

Keith Scott keithlscott at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 15:24:13 UTC 2023


I just uploaded a new version of the BPv7 draft red book; this has Felix's
changes and the others that we discussed on last week's telecon.  This also
addresses (did even before last week) all of Peter's and Ignacio's comments
on the first version.

Marc was going to take a cut at some source node EID explanatory text; if
that's done we'll fold it in today.  With that I think this version is
ready to go to Tomasso for Area Director review before going for a second
CESG review-1 cycle.  We can do that concurrently with the BPsec document.
I spoke w/ Peter about the SANA prototyping of the SS&A registry stuff and
he agreed that moving forward w/ CESG review without that would be OK.

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