[Sis-ams] consistent "time-zone"?

Ray, Timothy J. (GSFC-583.0) timothy.j.ray at nasa.gov
Wed Sep 3 13:27:00 EDT 2008

Dear WG members,


When using time-tags in other protocols, we've run into problems when
multiple locations each use their own "local time" - e.g when it's 8am
at JPL it's 11am at Goddard, and maybe 5pm in England.  So, typically
Greenwich Mean Time is specified. 


May I suggest that we insert a note in the vicinity of table 5-1 (the
MPDU header format) that says something like this:   "We recommend that
the value of the time-tag be consistent with Greenwich Mean Time if
practical"     or     "In the absence of any overriding agreements, all
time-tags shall use Greenwich Mean Time".


Of course, there may be scenarios where it is impractical/impossible to
know the time on Earth.  So, let's not be too authoritative, but it
seems worthwhile to make the spec a little tigher.




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