[Sea-sa] Latest completed DRAFT version of RASDS++

Shames, Peter M (US 312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Mar 13 00:39:03 UTC 2024

Dear SEA SAWG – RASDS team subset,

I have just uploaded the first, complete, DRAFT of the RASDS++ document.  It includes all edits and all new figures.  It also includes a brand new Annex C that provides examples of how to use SysML to capture RASDS++ style systems architectures.  This file is named “311x0p2 RASDS++ Draft 11Mar24-accept” and it is found in this folder:

This file is a “clean” version with all changes accepted, and “Track Changes” turned back on so that it can be easily used for any further editing.

There is a separate zip file that includes the source for the bulk of the images in PPT format, suitable for editing as needed, as well as the PDF files used for the images.

As stated in the 11 Mar 24 meeting notes, other team members have agreed to provide specific edits for the following:
1.     Ramon: will scan the document, ensure that all of the Terms are included in Annex E, and that the correct Section numbers are referenced (many have changed during our edits).
2.     Paul: will review the security sub-sections and provide any needed edits to topics and priority order.
3.     Christian: will scan the document and specifically check for consistency in use of terms and “viewpoint colors” across all of the ontology diagrams, starting with figure 2-4.

Please make your edits to this file, save it with a new suffix, and upload the edits back to this same folder.  The due date for these edits is Monday, 25 March 2024.

Thanks, Peter

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