[MOIMS] [Cesg-all] ACTION REQUESTED: Meeting Room Requirements and Agendas for 2005 Spring Meetings -- IMPORTANT INFORMATION

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Mon Feb 28 17:36:44 UTC 2005

Please send your WG agenda to Debbie
----- Forwarded by Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA on 28/02/2005 18:36 -----
                      <debbie.ronning at btas.co         To:      cesg-all at mailman.ccsds.org                                                
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                      Sent by:                        Subject: [Cesg-all] ACTION REQUESTED: Meeting Room Requirements and Agendas for    
                      cesg-all-bounces at mailma         2005 Spring Meetings -- IMPORTANT INFORMATION                                      
                      28/02/2005 18:28                                                                                                   

Area Directors and Working Group Chairs,

I am uploading the 2005 Spring meeting information to the new www.ccsds.org
site as often as I receive it.  Until I receive more information, most of
the Working Group meetings are listed under 11 April on the 2005 Spring
Meeting Calendar. (Please note that this is a separate calendar than the
Master Calendar.)

At your earliest opportunity, please send me:

1.  Your meeting room requirements (if you have not sent them to me yet).
How many rooms and how many people you anticipate will be in each room.

2.  The agendas for your meetings.  I can upload ONE Area Agenda (which
includes the Plenary AND WG meetings) or I can upload separate Working Group
meeting agendas.

Some agendas have been uploaded already.

For the Working Group meetings, it may be helpful to have a standard format
like we used for the 2004 Fall meetings:

Time                                 Subject
 Discussion Lead

Please e-mail me if you have any questions or if you have specific meeting
room requirements. Also, please do take a look at the new website.

I believe there will be a business center at the Marriott for connecting to
the internet. Most of the meeting rooms will not have internet connectivity.

There will be a Registration Area at the Marriott Hotel that will be staffed
by OMG. When you pick up your registration materials there, you will receive
the name of your meeting room.  OMG requested that they be allowed this
request in case they have to switch rooms around to better accommodate

Thank you,


Debbie Ronning
CCSDS Secretariat Support - NASA
Phone (301) 474-5424
debbie.ronning at btas.com

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