[MOIMS] MOIMS Status Report on23rd Feb 2005

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Wed Feb 23 08:51:21 UTC 2005

Dear all,

Sorry, but I do not have time to produce a Power Point Presentation.


   Updates delivered for CCSDS Operating and Strategic plans

   GB: Agreed reply to criticisms and currently under update (due 4.Apr.05)
   CHARTER: Updated following criticisms
   RED BOOK: 5 RBs under preparation to be discussed at the Athens meeting:
      - SM&C Common Services (draft 3)
      - SM&C Core Services (draft 3)
      - SM&C Protocol (draft 3)
      - SM&C Time Service (draft 1)
      - SM&C Remote Software Management Service (draft 1)
   XTCE: CCSDS Review  started
   Monthly Telecons

   CNES has produced a 25-page 'Use Case Guideline' document that is to be
   used for generating Use Cases testing the approach proposed in draft
   "Specification for the Formal Definition and Transfer Phase of a
   Producer-Archive Interface" document.
   Use Cases being produced
   Monthly telecons

   New version of XFDU XML Schema incorporated changes agreed at the Toulouse
   meeting and Version 1.0 of the NASA Reference Implementation (XFDU Tool
   Kit) based on the new schema were release to XFDU Testbed website
   In testbed activities, JPL personel were able "to read/understand the
   available XFDU documentation, and then
   to integrate the XFDU API calls into my "Product Server" in about 4
   Contacted by METS(digital library) specification authors and
   MPEG-21(multi-media/movies) authors to discuss interoperability among
   these XML based packaging standards. The MPEG Working group has requested
   ISO SC 29 to issue a liason statement to CCSDS
   Monthly telecons

   Completed updated versions of the navigation green book, attitude data
   messages and tracking data message white books.
   WG members currently working on responses to action items and comments to
   attitude, tracking and XML white books. Received some comments on the XML
   specification document from GSFC data information task.
   WG assessing related schedule and requirements for IOAG priorities.
   Telecons (Jan 12, Feb 2, Feb 16)
   A new work item initiated by the ISO SC14 (common format to support
   collision avoidance). Started interfacing with ISO SC14 personnel to
   collect details related to this new work item and WG has requested
   approval to add the ISO SC14 NWI to the charter (Poll initiated).

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