[MOIMS] [CESG] CCSDS Documents Requiring 5-Year Review and/or Update

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Fri Aug 13 13:49:27 UTC 2004

Dear WG chairmen / co-chairmen

Please let me know if the list of MOIMS docs produced by the Secretariat is

I recalled that

501 has been declared obsolete
620 / 622 / 630 / 632 / 643 were reaffirmed last year.

Am I right ?

----- Forwarded by Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA on 13/08/2004 15:46 -----
|        |          "Adrian J. Hooke"   |
|        |          <adrian.j.hooke at jpl.|
|        |          nasa.gov>           |
|        |          Sent by:            |
|        |          cesg-bounces at mailman|
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|        |          03/08/2004 16:27    |
|        |                              |
  |                                                                            |
  |       To:     CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - ADs                       |
  |       <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>                                             |
  |       cc:     CCSDS Document Rapporteur <Stephen.Harris at btas.com>          |
  |       Subject:     [CESG] CCSDS Documents Requiring 5-Year Review and/or   |
  |       Update                                                               |

Area Directors - SLS, MOIMS, SIS, CSS:

Please note the following Blue Books that appear to be overdue for their
periodic (5-year) review, update, reaffirmation or retirement:

     CCSDS 501.0-B-1. Radio Metric and Orbit Data. Blue Book. Issue 1. January
     CCSDS 620.0-B-2. Standard Formatted Data Units  Structure and Construction
     Rules. Blue Book. Issue 2. May 1992.
     CCSDS 622.0-B-1. Standard Formatted Data Units - Referencing Environment.
     Blue Book. Issue 1. May 1997.
     CCSDS 630.0-B-1. Standard Formatted Data Units  Control Authority
     Procedures. Blue Book. Issue 1. June 1993.
     CCSDS 632.0-B-1. Standard Formatted Data Units  Control Authority Data
     Structures. Blue Book. Issue 1. November 1994.
     CCSDS 643.0-B-1. ASCII Encoded English (CCSD0002). Blue Book. Issue 1.
     November 1992.

     CCSDS 910.4-B-1. Cross Support Reference Model, Part 1: Space Link
     Extension Services. Blue Book. Issue 1. May 1996.

     CCSDS 121.0-B-1. Lossless Data Compression. Blue Book. Issue 1. May 1997.

     CCSDS 713.0-B-1. (SCPS) Network Protocol (SCPS-NP). Blue Book. Issue 1. May
     CCSDS 713.5-B-1. (SCPS) Security Protocol (SCPS-SP). Blue Book. Issue 1.
     May 1999.
     CCSDS 714.0-B-1. (SCPS) Transport Protocol (SCPS-TP). Blue Book. Issue 1.
     May 1999.
     CCSDS 717.0-B-1. (SCPS) File Protocol (SCPS-FP). Blue Book. Issue 1. May

There are also numerous Green Books in the attached list that should possibly be
updated.  Please prepare a plan to charter the necessary BOFs to take on the job
of refreshing all of these documents.

Best regards
     Date: Tue, 03 Aug 2004 10:04:04 -0400
     From: Stephen Harris <stephen.harris at btas.com>
     Subject: CCSDS Documents Requiring 5-Year Review and-or Update

     At the request of the CESG Chairman, I have reviewed the list of official
     CCSDS Recommendations and Reports on the home page and created a list of
     documents that are probably in need of their five-year review.  The list
     includes all CCSDS documents, not only Blue Books; however, Blue Books are
     highlighted in red font.

     Please find the document list attached to this message.


     Stephen L. Harris
     Project Lead
     CCSDS Secretariat Support - NASA
     1 301 474 5424 (office)
     1 301 467 5642 (cell)
     Stephen.Harris at btas.com (See attached file: List of Outdated CCSDS
     CESG mailing list
     CESG at mailman.ccsds.org

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