[MOIMS] [CESG] Proposed re-definition: "Best Current Practice" -> Recommended Practice

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Thu Dec 11 16:40:27 UTC 2003

I would like to get a consolidated input from each WG.

Please let me have your comments by end Dec 2003


----- Forwarded by Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA on 11/12/2003 17:39 -----
|        |          "Adrian J. Hooke"  |
|        |          <adrian.j.hooke at jpl|
|        |          .nasa.gov>         |
|        |          Sent by:           |
|        |          cesg-admin at mailman.|
|        |          ccsds.org          |
|        |                             |
|        |                             |
|        |          05/12/2003 19:53   |
|        |                             |
  |                                                                           |
  |       To:     "CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - ADs"                    |
  |       <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>                                            |
  |       cc:                                                                 |
  |       Subject:     [CESG] Proposed re-definition: "Best Current Practice" |
  |       -> Recommended Practice                                             |

ADs and DADs:

As a result of the recent "should" and "shall" discussions, I have been
re-thinking the subject of the "Best Current Practice", which was added to the
CCSDS documentation suite in last Spring's approve Restructuring, but has so far
not been implemented.

The concept of the BCP was lifted directly from the IETF, but on reflection this
may not be exactly what we need. It's my feeling that there is a clear and
needed distinction between a "Standard" and a "Practice", but the term "Best
Current Practice" (and its current definition) isn't doing the job.

Accordingly, I have drafted the attached "Pink Sheets" to the Restructuring
plan, which would change the definition of "Best Current Practice" to
"Recommended Practice". Please review and comment.

The attached PDF document and it's Word version may be found at:


The original Restructing plan is also loaded there.

Best regards
Adrian(See attached file: d1Pink1-Restruct-05Dec03.pdf)
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