[MOIMS-NAV-EXEC] CCSDS Navigation WG Telecon

Berry, David S (US 3920) david.s.berry at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue May 21 17:36:09 UTC 2024


1300-1400 UTC (See MS Teams link below)

Tentative Agenda


1. Spring 2024 Meeting Minutes Finalize

2. CESG/CMC Polling Status

3. CDM Status

4. NDM/XML 4.0 Status

5. TDM Status

6. LDM Status

7. NEM Status

8. FDM Status

9. Action Items Update

10. Any other business

11. Confirm Next Telecon Date:  10-Jul-2024 1300-1400 UTC

Local Times


6:00 AM 0600: Los Angeles

7:00 AM 0700: Colorado Springs

8:00 AM 0800: Houston

9:00 AM 0900: Washington DC

2:00 PM 1400: London

3:00 PM 1500: Darmstadt

3:00 PM 1500: Toulouse

10:00 PM 2200: Tokyo
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Meeting ID: 287 376 952 500
Passcode: 3WiBNZ
Dial in by phone
+1 323-813-7400,,758141358#<tel:+13238137400,,758141358> United States, Los Angeles
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Phone conference ID: 758 141 358#
For organizers: Meeting options<https://teams.microsoft.com/meetingOptions/?organizerId=e7a17a67-de7a-4304-85dc-da985adcdfcb&tenantId=545921e0-10ef-4398-8713-9832ac563dad&threadId=19_meeting_ZGI0NGY5ZGUtZTZkMy00N2I0LWFjZGYtMTc2ZDA5ZTEyYmJi@thread.v2&messageId=0&language=en-US> | Reset dial-in PIN<https://dialin.teams.microsoft.com/usp/pstnconferencing>
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