[Moims-ipr] Re: [Moims-dai] Fw: [Cesg-all] Fall 2007 CCSDS Meeting
Room Request Form
Don Sawyer
Donald.M.Sawyer at nasa.gov
Fri Jun 29 16:31:46 EDT 2007
Here is an initial cut after some discussion between DAI and IPR.
However there is also overlap with SEA-IA, RAC, and XSG, so this is
hard to pin down. We have a fair bit of plenary work between DAI and
IPR, but need some breakout room. I'm suggesting 30 persons for DAI-
IPR plenary and breakout room of 15. I think the given arrangements
will give us some flexibility to move stuff around as we bump into
other constraints and have to shift agenda items.
Mon AM: CCSDS and MOIMS Plenary
Mon PM: DAI-IPR Plenary, agency reports, and PAIS presentation
(Room for 30)
Tue AM: DAI –IPR Plenary RB discussion of issues, mapping to XFDU
(Room for 30)
Tue PM: DAI RB and GB discussion of issues; IPR SEA-IA (Room for
30 plus room for 15))
Wed AM: IPR-DAI Reg/Rep session (Room for 30)
Wed PM: DAI Prototypes; IPR Reg/Rep continued (Room for 15, room
for 15
Thu: AM; DAI-IPRP: OAIS review and discussions (room for 30)
Thu: PM: DAI-IPR: OAIS review; SEA-IA: Regs (room for 30, room for
Fri: AM: RAC: discussion; IPR: XSG discussion (room for 15, room
for 15)
Fri: PM: DAI, IPR work plans (room for 15, room for 15)
On Jun 13, 2007, at 6:48 AM, Nestor.Peccia at esa.int wrote:
> Dear WG Chairs,
> Please let me have your inputs by 29th June 2007, such that I can
> send a
> consolidated MOIMS input to thye Secretariat.
> No inputs by 29th June implies that you keep the same request of
> your last
> Workshop at Colorado Springs.
> ciao
> nestor
> ----- Forwarded by Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA on 13/06/2007 12:44 -----
> Craig Day
> <craigd at aiaa.org>
> Sent
> by: To
> cesg-all-bounces at m CCSDS Engineering Steering
> Group -
> ailman.ccsds.org All <cesg-
> all at mailman.ccsds.org>,
> CCSDS Management Council
> <cmc at mailman.ccsds.org>
> 05/06/2007
> 14:35 cc
> CCSDS Secretariat
> <Secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org>
> S
> ubject
> [Cesg-all] Fall 2007 CCSDS
> Meeting
> Room Request Form
> CESG and CMC Members,
> As we begin to plan for the Germany meeting cycle we need to get an
> idea of
> the number and size of rooms each of the WGs will need. Please find
> attached
> a meeting room request form. We ask that you please complete the
> form for
> each meeting you will need space for. If you plan to meet jointly with
> another working group for part or all of a day, please coordinate
> that with
> the WG chair and submit only one request between the two of you.
> Please do
> your best to return the form to me by 1 July so that we can put
> together a
> list of requirements for Nestor and his folks to work with over the
> summer. I
> know this seems early, but we would like to avoid any delays due to
> the
> European holiday and U.S. vacation seasons! If you have any
> questions or
> problems with the attached form, please let me know ASAP.
> Also, please note that preliminary meeting information (including
> hotel
> registration instructions) has been posted to the CCSDS website:
> http://public.ccsds.org/meetings/2007Fall/default.aspx
> Please pass this information along to your delegations and WGs so
> that they
> can begin to make hotel accommodation plans.
> Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance as we
> begin the
> planning for our next round of meetings.
> Best Regards,
> Craig
> --
> Craig Day
> CCSDS Secretariat Office
> Tel: +1-703-264-3849 • Fax: +1-703-264-7551
> Email: craigd at aiaa.org
> (See attached file: Meeting Room Request Form.doc)
> _______________________________________________
> CESG-all mailing list
> CESG-all at mailman.ccsds.org
> http://mailman.ccsds.org/mailman/listinfo/cesg-all
> <Meeting Room Request Form.doc>
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