[Moims-ipr] Re: [Moims-dai] Re: [CESG] Reaffirmation Resolution

John Garrett moims-ipr@mailman.ccsds.org
Fri, 24 Oct 2003 16:36:47 -0400


I think we should reconfirm them all for 5 years.  We are currently 
actively using all 3 standards (SFDU, CADS, ASCII English)  in the NSSDC.

Even if we complete an XFDU book, it would not become a CCSDS Blue Book for 
at least a year from now and thus would not become a ISO Standard until at 
least 18 months from now.  And that is the quickest that anything would happen.

Even if we complete an XFDU book, we will still be using SFDU, CADS, and 
ASCII English as part of the Archiving System at NSSDC.  We may in parallel 
use XFDU, but we are in process now of creating SFDU that contain CA IDs 
and ASCII English descriptions and the AIPs that we are creating, we are 
creating for long-term preservation.  We will not likely recreate them in 
XFDU format within 5 years.

A 6 month reconfirmation is really stupid extra paperwork since we aren't 
scheduled to reaffirm these until May 2004.  So a 6 month reaffirmation 
doesn't do a thing.

Even if we reaffirm a standard for 5 years, we still have the option of 
removing it, updating it, or creating parallel standards at any time during 
those 5 years.  So we really don't gain anything (other than a chance to do 
more paperwork and being forced to review it again) by reaffirming for less 
than 5 years.

By the way, when we reaffirm the SFDU whether it is done now or in 6 months 
when it is due, we should remember to note that there was a Corrigendum on 
the SFDU book.  ISO should already know that from the reaffirmation in May 
1999.  But we don't want to lose that piece of information either.


At 06:43 PM 10/24/2003 +0100, Nestor.Peccia@esa.int wrote:
>Dear all,
>I need Chairman feedback asap
>Otherwise I will decide on the 30th / 31st October 2003
>Your views please
>----- Forwarded by Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA on 14/10/2003 19:51 -----
>|        |          "Adrian J. Hooke"  |
>|        |          <adrian.j.hooke@jpl|
>|        |          .nasa.gov>         |
>|        |          Sent by:           |
>|        |          cesg-admin@mailman.|
>|        |          ccsds.org          |
>|        |                             |
>|        |                             |
>|        |          13/10/2003 16:29   |
>|        |                             |
 > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>   | 
 >     |
>   |       To:     "CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - 
> ADs"                    |
>   |       <cesg@mailman.ccsds.org> 
 >     |
>   |       cc: 
 >     |
>   |       Subject:     Re: [CESG] Reaffirmation 
> Resolution                    |
 > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>At 07:43 AM 10/13/2003, Nestor.Peccia@esa.int wrote:
>      We have discussed in MOIMS the issue of reaffirmation during a shorter
>      time, but nobody could tell us if this is addressed in the Procedures.
>Nestor: the current (Spring 2003) Procedures Manual can be accessed at:
>The re-affirmation procedures are in Section 6.1.4, pages 6-4/5. The 
>say that the CESG must reconfirm a document but they do *not* say that the
>reconfirmation has to be for a 5-year period. In fact, a precedent for 
>and one-year reaffirmations has been established in the past (several P2 books
>and the AOS Blue Books had such re-affirmations).
>In this case, as I noted on Friday, I would strongly urge that the MOIMS Area
>should seek a re-affirmation period that only covers the time necessary to
>thoroughly review the documents in light of current requirements and 
>A one-year extension (maximum) would seem appropriate.
>Best regards
>Moims-dai mailing list