[Moims-dai] Preparation of MOIMS CESG Report for Spring Meeting

david at giaretta.org david at giaretta.org
Thu May 2 16:19:09 UTC 2024





From: MOIMS-DAI <moims-dai-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of Daniel
Fischer via MOIMS-DAI
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2024 4:39 PM
To: David Giaretta via MOIMS-DAI <moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org>;
costin.radulescu at jpl.nasa.gov; Mehran Sarkarati <Mehran.Sarkarati at esa.int>;
Peter Van Der Plas <Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int>; Berry, David S (US 3920)
<david.s.berry at jpl.nasa.gov>; Frank Dreger <Frank.Dreger at esa.int>
Cc: Daniel Fischer <Daniel.Fischer at esa.int>
Subject: [Moims-dai] Preparation of MOIMS CESG Report for Spring Meeting


Dear all,


Please find attached the MOIMS CESG Report from last Fall.

Please prepare the input for your working group compliant with the format in
this presentation and submit it to me latest by 03.05. after the MOIMS
plenary meeting.

Please also send me the WG inputs for the demographics slide (slide 2).


In this way I can prepare the report to the CESG meeting on Monday.


Kind Regards

Daniel Fischer

MOIMS Area Director 


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