[Moims-dai] I: iPRES2021 submission 25 update
Roberta Svanetti
Roberta.Svanetti at dedagroup.it
Wed May 26 08:23:21 UTC 2021
Hi David,
the paper content is fine and complete also for the ESA Team (Iolanda Maggio in cc).
Could you please add Iolanda between the Authors?
The disclaimer is fine for ESA.
Please find the details:
Iolanda Maggio
Rhea GROUP Supporting ESA
Iolanda.Maggio at esa.int
ORCID: 0000-0001-9409-1289
Could you also modify my profile as follow:
Roberta Svanetti
Deda.Cloud Srl Supporting ESA
Roberta.Svanetti at dedagroup.it
Thank you
Roberta Svanetti
Enterprise Content Management - Operations Manager
Deda Cloud srl
- Cassina de Pecchi
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Roberta Svanetti
Inviato: mercoledì 12 maggio 2021 11:03
A: 'david at giaretta.org' <david at giaretta.org>
Cc: 'Engel, Felix' <felix.engel at fernuni-hagen.de>; 'Robert Downs' <rdowns at ciesin.columbia.edu>; 'Lin, Dawei (NIH/NIAID) [E]' <dawei.lin at nih.gov>; 'Terry Longstreth' <terry.longstreth at comcast.net>; 'John Garrett' <garrett at his.com>; 'Hughes, John S (US 398B)' <john.s.hughes at jpl.nasa.gov>; 'Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hemmje' <Matthias.Hemmje at fernuni-hagen.de>; conradsireland at gmail.com
Oggetto: I: iPRES2021 submission 25 update
Hi David,
could you send us the last updated version of the paper?
We could have some contributions to the paper content from ESA. Are we still in time?
If so, when is the last deadline?
I noticed that in the Authors profiling there is a mistake. Could you please review my profile, changing the name of the company with Deda.Cloud Srl instead of Dedagroup LTD?
Roberta Svanetti Roberta.Svanetti at dedagroup.it Italy Deda.Cloud Srl
Kind Regards,
Roberta Svanetti
Operations Manager
T +39 02 57775690 | M +39 335 7294121
Deda Cloud Srl – Sede di Cassina de Pecchi (Milano), c/o Cassina Plaza, via Roma 108 www.deda.cloud
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-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: ipres2021 at easychair.org <ipres2021 at easychair.org>
Inviato: martedì 11 maggio 2021 18:31
A: Roberta Svanetti <Roberta.Svanetti at dedagroup.it>
Oggetto: iPRES2021 submission 25 update
**ATTENZIONE** Questo messaggio proviene da un ACCOUNT ESTERNO, presta attenzione ad eventuali link o allegati al suo interno.
Dear authors,
we acknowledge that we received new files for your iPRES2021 submission. The information about this update is shown below.
Number: 25
Authors: David Giaretta, John Garrett, Mark Conrad, John Steven Hughes, Terry Longstreth, Roberta Svanetti, Dawei Lin, Robert R Downs, Felix Engel and Matthias Hemmje
Uploaded by: David Giaretta <david at giaretta.org>
paper, version 4 (377122 bytes)
To access the new version of your submission you should log in to the iPRES2021 EasyChair page.
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