[Moims-dai] Update fo the Control Authority standard - requirements fo the Registration Authority

garrett at his.com garrett at his.com
Mon Aug 9 14:30:42 UTC 2021



I'm not sure that it makes a lot of sense to make updates to the Control
Authority standards that only meet the CCSDS request for updates and not the
ISO requirements.  It seems likely that if we only respond to the CCSDS
request, then we will need to update it again to comply with the ISO rules.
CCSDS seems to think they can get approval to continue with the current
situation, but it is unclear if we will be able to get ISO adoption of
standards that don't follow ISO rules.


ISO requirements for defining what a standard should include re. a
Registration (see particularly Annex H Section 4.3)  and how a Registration
Authority is chosen is included in ISO's Directive 1.  


We could make these changes in the Control Authority books to comply with
ISO requirements, but I'm not sure how soon SANA will get approval as an ISO
RA.  Hopefully, they will do this soon since it is probably more important
for other CCSDS standards to have registers.


Hope, Health, and Peace,


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