[Moims-dai] IPELTU reading results
Roberta Svanetti
Roberta.Svanetti at dedagroup.it
Tue Oct 20 09:23:18 UTC 2020
Hi David, hi all,
Please find the following few changes to IPELTU, resulting from the last version review I have done.
Page iii - [Foreword text specific for this document ...] RS: Should we add the sentences like "This document is a proposal of technical Recommended Practice for providing guidance for projects about the additional information ...."?
Page vi - RS check the box with release comments. It appears with a black background.
Page vii - Page C-5 RS in the Table od contents please check that all annexes are harmonized in the titles for example "Annex C :" instead of "Annex C"
Page 1-1 - --- communities for this practices - e.g. .... RS should we add also Libraries and Life Sciences communities?
Page 1-1 - in the list after the sentence "This Recommended Practice accomplishes ..." be consistent and add ";" at the end of sentence "-forms a basis for ..."
Page 1-3 - par. 1.3 Applicability see my comment above on adding also Libraries and Life Sciences (that includes also pharmaceutical, medical devices and biotech companies and not only Research Organizations)
Page 1-6 - please check consistency between terms definitions for Content Information, Preservation Description Information, Representation Information and the new OAIS terms definition.
Page 1-8 - par. 1.9 references it seams that the link in the reference [2]redirect on a page not found. May bee the DAMA.org retired the first version of DAMA.
Page 4-3 - in the sentence starting with "for example, they may be information ...", check consistency and add upper case or lower case to each bullet item. Add "." At the end of last item.
Kind Regards
Roberta Svanetti
Operations Manager
T +39 02 57775690 | M +39 335 7294121
Deda Cloud Srl - Sede di Cassina de Pecchi (Milano), c/o Cassina Plaza, via Roma 108
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Tuesday of the month
Technical Editor(s)
ISO 16363 Audit and Certification Metrics
John Garrett, David Giaretta
IPELTU Info Preservation Enabling Long-Term Usage
David Giaretta, Roberta Svanetti
OAIS-IF DAADD OAIS Interoperability Framework - Digital Archive Architecture Design Doc
Steve Hughes
Group administration, Planning, new projects, or special issues identified other weeks
Group administration, Planning, new projects, or special issues identified other weeks
Topics of discussion 2nd Tuesday of the month:
* Main point IPELTU catch-up - see https://www.dropbox.com/s/wukr52ikhg1rl7u/CCSDS653.0R1-20200916.docx?dl=0<https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fs%2Fwukr52ikhg1rl7u%2FCCSDS653.0R1-20200916.docx%3Fdl%3D0&data=02%7C01%7CRoberta.Svanetti%40dedagroup.it%7Cdb86501f39a54d48c57308d86eb0cde0%7Cbbf156d433fa4fee86f62cfcb1359ef0%7C0%7C0%7C637381053539572654&sdata=yFsX%2FobtLStZqe8HZDhNBkZbFb4IIwqQbcqvxaIj0Dc%3D&reserved=0> with latest updates from Roberta
* ISO 16919
* ISO 16363 status
* OAIS status
* OAIS-IF update
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