[Moims-dai] Updates to OAIS and figures from SEA RIDS

Eld Zierau elzi at kb.dk
Mon Mar 16 07:06:20 UTC 2020

Just a small thing
In figures like 4.2, the other functional entities (e.g. Archival Storage) have not been coloured.
Best regards, Eld

Eld Zierau
Digital Preservation Specialist PhD
The Royal Danish Library
Digital Cultural Heritage
P.O. Box 2149, 1016 Copenhagen K
Ph. +45 9132 4690
Email: elzi at kb.dk<mailto:elzi at kb.dk>

From: MOIMS-DAI <moims-dai-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of david at giaretta.org
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 9:13 PM
To: MOIMS-DAI List <moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [Moims-dai] Updates to OAIS and figures from SEA RIDS

As discussed at todays Skype call, here are the responses from the review site put into the CCSDS RID forms, the updated Word file and PPT file.

See document
https://cwe.ccsds.org/moims/docs/MOIMS-DAI/Draft%20Documents/OAIS%20v3/650x0020_CESG_Aproval_Mod200211-SEA.doc?Web=1  or https://www.dropbox.com/s/bjeocdpkqmyzr38/650x0020_CESG_Aproval_Mod200211-SEA.doc?dl=0

The RIDS form https://cwe.ccsds.org/moims/docs/MOIMS-DAI/Draft%20Documents/OAIS%20v3/CESG-P-2019-12-007_PID_650x0-SEA-v1%20(1)-responses.txt or https://www.dropbox.com/s/j0ecbf2cygpco7n/CESG-P-2019-12-007_PID_650x0-SEA-v1%20%281%29-responses.txt?dl=0

The PPT https://cwe.ccsds.org/moims/docs/MOIMS-DAI/Draft%20Documents/OAIS%20v3/OAISFigures-20190524-20190823-some-CI-to-IO-20190903-SEA-20200310.pptx?Web=1 or https://www.dropbox.com/s/t6minslxzbhpni1/OAISFigures-20190524-20190823-some-CI-to-IO-20190903-SEA-20200310.pptx?dl=0

Corrections please.


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