[Moims-dai] OAIS definition consensus

garrett at his.com garrett at his.com
Tue Aug 25 14:58:06 UTC 2020



Our consensus agreement on OAIS definition is now:


Open Archival Information System (OAIS): An Archive system consists of, but
is not limited to, policies, procedures, hardware, software, and
information. The Archive system is put in place and operated by an
organization and its staff. The organization has accepted the responsibility
to preserve information and make it available for a Designated Community.
The organization may be part of a larger organization. An OAIS Archive meets
a set of mandatory responsibilities that allows an OAIS Archive to be
distinguished from other uses of the term 'archive'. The term 'Open' in OAIS
is used to imply that this Recommended Practice and future related
Recommended Practices and standards are developed in open forums, and it
does not imply that access to the Archive is unrestricted.

NOTE: The set of mandatory responsibilities an OAIS Archive must perform are
defined in section 3.2


A number of other suggestions were made, but this was the consensus.  It is
not too far from the original.


Next step is for David to pass this on to Peter for his agreement.

And following that, the document will be sent back to Tom Gannett, CCSDS
Editor, to incorporate all the changes from the CESG review and then it gets
sent to the CCSDS Management Council to approve it for first Agency Review
and submission to ISO for first ISO review.

May there be peace in your life,


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