[Moims-dai] Draft Agenda for MOIMS-DAI meeting at The Hague Nov. 6-9 attached

John Garrett garrett at his.com
Thu Oct 12 21:29:04 UTC 2017

Hi all,


I'm attaching a first draft agenda for comment.

Please let us know if there are any other topics that we should find a time
slot for or any times that should be adjusted.


If you plan to attend in person, please remember to register (free) for the
meeting.  On-line meeting registration is scheduled to close in about a


In order to register, you will first need to get a CCSDS Collaborative Work
Environment (CWE) UserID and password if you don't already have one.  That
may take a couple days.  I think that requires approval from the CCSDS
Agency Rep from the space agency from your country if you have one.  I
believe this is normally an automatic thing.


Look forward to seeing some of you  within a month at The Hague meeting.


Peace and joy,

-JOhn Garrett



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