[Moims-dai] Will you be dialing into Webex today.

John Garrett garrett at his.com
Mon May 8 16:29:24 UTC 2017

Hi David and other DAI folks,


We're finally into our DAI WG meeting.

Nestor Peccia (CESG Chair) 

is stopping by this afternoon to discuss the Report to MC. 1:30 here in San

We've also agreed to let  Peter Shames (SEA Area Director) come  to talk to
us about the CCSDS Architecture and our DAI architecture probably starting
around 2:15 here in San Antonio.

The IPELTU discussions will be moved later in the week.


Please send me a message if you plan to connect to the webex so we can be
sure it is up.


Peace and joy,

JOhn Garrett



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