[Moims-dai] FW: Simple reporting on WG books

David Giaretta david at giaretta.org
Tue Mar 7 15:12:30 UTC 2017



From: Mario.Merri at esa.int [mailto:Mario.Merri at esa.int] 
Sent: 07 March 2017 10:54
To: Berry, David S (3920) <david.s.berry at jpl.nasa.gov>;
Frank.Dreger at esa.int; david at giaretta.org; garrett at his.com;
Mehran.Sarkarati at esa.int; Chien, Steve A (397I) <steve.a.chien at jpl.nasa.gov>
Cc: brigitte.behal at cnes.fr
Subject: Simple reporting on WG books


Dear DAI, MP&S and NAV WG leads, 

I would like to make a suggestion that we have already implemented with the
SM&C WG with good results (see attached mail). 

I would like that each WG establishes a simple email where the statuses of
the documents under work are reported. The email is formatted as follows: 

*	Subject: "Status of XXX WG at ddMmmyy" 
*	Body: A simple list of documents with bullets providing details on
the status of the document. See attached email for an example from the SM&C

The email should be generated as often as needed by the WG chair/deputy
chair, typically whenever anything significant happens, and, if relevant,
should highlight in red the differences wrt the previous version of the same

This will allow all members of your team (and the AD/DAD) to be on the same
page. I think it is minimal effort and you can reuse the text in the MoM of
your WG meetings. 

What do you think? Do you agree with that? 


----- Forwarded by Mario Merri/esoc/ESA on 07/03/2017 11:38 ----- 

From:        "Sam Cooper" <sam at brightascension.com
<mailto:sam at brightascension.com> > 
To:        "Smith, Danford S. (GSFC-5800)" <danford.s.smith at nasa.gov
<mailto:danford.s.smith at nasa.gov> >, "Mario Merri" <Mario.Merri at esa.int
<mailto:Mario.Merri at esa.int> > 
Date:        07/03/2017 09:14 
Subject:        Re: FW: Status of SM&C Books at 09Feb2017 


7 March  2017 SM&C Document Status 

TCP-IP/Binary encoding: 

*	MM submitted resolution for publication poll on 09Jan17 
*	Note that a SANA table for encoding ID's is proposed.  We assume
that will be handled by others.(Assumption is secretariat as part of
document processing)

C++ API:   About to be released for Agency Review. 

*	Poll completed on 3 March 2017; one condition from Peter Shames
resolved on 5 March.

ZeroMQ:   Mission Operations - Message Abstraction Layer (MAL) Binding to
ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol 

*	Sam will implement the changes described in my email of 25/11/2016
*	Sam has requested latest version from CNES COMPLETE 4 January 2017.

*	Title changed in CWE (Project Name) COMPLETE 5 January 2017. 
*	Sam to make minor changes in prep for Agency review.  Completed but
cannot upload to CWE due to ?maintenance? 
*	Dan to close action on renaming the document.  Trying to figure out
how to do it. 
*	MM will submit resolution for Agency Review poll. 

MPDP: In Tom's waiting list for Agency Review poll. 

*	Dan to get date from Tom.

HTTP/XML: Vega sent final version of doc, schema and original graphics to
Sam on 17Nov16. Sam will implement the final changes (e.g. ref #, book
colour, accept changes, check annexes, put it on CWE, ... ) and pass it to

*	MM submitted resolution for AR poll on 09Jan17 
*	Poll completed on 3 March 2017; conditions from Peter Shames, Erik
Barkley, and Scott Burleigh 
*	SC to update document, due end of March 2017

GB Revision: 

*	Peter Mendham to update it. First draft for internal review due 15
Apr 17. 

M&C Services: To go out for Agency Review #4 

*	CESG comments received, conditions identified from NASA. 
*	Received Peter Shames' annotated document (with comments) on 4
January 2017. 
*	Responses to the comments provided to comment authors on 19 January
*	3 March 2017 - Mario and Peter agreed to have another Agency Review
on this document 
*	SC to update inline with comments raised during CESG review, DUE end
of Amrhc 2017

Common Services: 

*	Sam to deliver updated version for 2nd internal review.  COMPLETE 09
February 2017. 
*	All to do final internal review.  COMPLETE 28 February 2017. 
*	SC to deliver final update for AR, DUE 17th Mar, 2017

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