[Moims-dai] Notes from telecon 20160426

David Giaretta david at giaretta.org
Tue Apr 26 16:05:45 UTC 2016

Notes of CCSDS DAI telecon 20160426



*       David Giaretta

*       Mike Kearney

*       Claire Caillet

*       Terry Longstreth

*       John Garrett

*       Bob Downs (for a few minutes at the start of the meeting)




ACTION JGG will set up Webex for next week - DONE - JGG has sent out an
email about this


ACTION DG to report to Mario about wiki - say we use system used before
rather than CCSDS wiki


ACTION DG: Thank Vint Cerf    


ACTION: ALL: for next meeting: Review current draft and suggest specific
wording, both in the normative parts and also the non-normative annexes.


ACTION: ALL: figure 1-1 - is the update helpful?


ACTION: ALL: Think about a diagram which might illustrate a "Vision for the
Future" (see notes from last week) and suggest further areas of work.


ACTION : Claire: send pointer to DEDSL software


ACTION: JGG and CNES: to provide completion dates for various stages of
DEDSL XML Schema book so far


ACTION: DG to ask Mario/Nestor about Green Book


ACTION DG send info on DMP workshop - DONE - details and registration at -
<https://indico.cern.ch/event/520120/> https://indico.cern.ch/event/520120/ 


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