[Moims-dai] Framework vs Process Models

esther.conway at stfc.ac.uk esther.conway at stfc.ac.uk
Tue Mar 24 15:16:20 UTC 2015

Hi All,

Did a lot of thinking last night .Just a couple of thought in relation to the terminolgy we are using and the structure of the spreadsheet.

The  spreadsheet contain stages , actors, activities , output , standards ,  actuvities use cases

The spreadsheet while bring a extra of clarity I think is mashing a number of concepts that of a Framework  , Process Model and Activity Model/Systems Use Case  

The Stages and  Standards support an approach to createing and Extended OAIS Framework supported by standards

Inputs Activies Outputs , in conjuction with Actors as decision makers support the creation of a Process model ( which I could adapt a BPM methododlogy to do ).

Actors and Activities can be used to develop activity model and/or systems use case 

This is evidenced by the change of name from ICLP to  ILF .  Problems are going to arise becuse  processes will cross Framwork stages .  This became quite clear to last night  as I was trying to forces  models input in stages where the stage divides do not naturally exist .  Also what relation actors have to and why differentiate between activities and preservation activities(doesnt make a lot of sense in modelling terms,

 Would suggest a decision needs to clearly to be made as to whether we are devleoping a Framwork or Proceess,  We amay wind up in a mess if we try to to mash the two togher.

I get the feeling that Mike is focussing on lifecysle stage and framework standard,  and I have been doing a lot of detailed process stuff as evidenced by the very detailed document I sent round last night which only covered the process input aspects.

However this isn't nescessarily a problem as a group  there is natiral realtionship and progression between these things.  Forcing me look things from a framework point of view has aleeady caused me to adapt the CEDA/LTDP process models 

Lifecyle Curation  Framework Model ----->   Lifecycle Curation Process Model -----> Activity Model/Use Case (which will included active data mangement Planning functionality) ------> Systems Implementaion (where we can lock things into a Dynamic Data Management tool which would include planning functionailty) 

This also means we can follow formal metgodolgies  to develop these things .  Whille I was keen to leap into the process stuff the natural jumping off point for us should be the frawork model.  It also would give us little more to to gather intersested people to enrich the group.  

Best Regards


From: John Garrett [garrett at his.com]
Sent: 24 March 2015 07:51
To: Conway, Esther (STFC,RAL,RALSP); Giaretta, David (STFC,RAL,RALSP); moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org
Cc: Daniele.Boucon at cnes.fr; donaldcarolann at me.com; tahoe_mike at sbcglobal.net; rdowns at ciesin.columbia.edu; sawyer at acm.org
Subject: RE: Expanded Spreadsheet Attached


Apologies if this is a duplicate message.
I tried to send it out at end of today's meeting, but I can't find it again
so I don't think it made it out.

Daniele and I continued work on the ILF Spreadsheet starting with David's
simplified version and Ester's comments and the brief discussion at the
telecon today.
Tuesday discussions will focus on PAIS GB.
We will be discussing ILF again on Wednesday.

Live, Laugh, Love, and Work for Peace,

-----Original Message-----
From: esther.conway at stfc.ac.uk [mailto:esther.conway at stfc.ac.uk]
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 10:51 AM
To: david.giaretta at stfc.ac.uk; garrett at his.com; moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org
Cc: Daniele.Boucon at cnes.fr; donaldcarolann at me.com; tahoe_mike at sbcglobal.net;
rdowns at ciesin.columbia.edu; sawyer at acm.org
Subject: RE: Expanded Spreadsheet Attached

Hi All,

I have  added some commets to David's spreasheet (only about half way
through , as only go this yesterday) in advance of todays ICLP process

From: Giaretta, David (STFC,RAL,RALSP)
Sent: 19 March 2015 17:10
To: John Garrett; 'MOIMS DAI List'
Cc: 'Boucon Daniele'; donaldcarolann at me.com; 'Mike Martin'; Conway, Esther
(STFC,RAL,RALSP); rdowns at ciesin.columbia.edu; 'Don Sawyer'
Subject: RE: Expanded Spreadsheet Attached

Apologies if I have misunderstood but I was confused about the things in the
spreadsheet so I attach a simplified one which is, I think, domain
independent. I tried to separate out the very specifically preservation
related activities from the other activities.
I think it maps to the more detailed things in the other spreadsheets.

I hope this helps.


From: John Garrett [mailto:garrett at his.com]
Sent: 11 March 2015 07:45
To: 'MOIMS DAI List'
Cc: 'Boucon Daniele'; donaldcarolann at me.com; 'Mike Martin'; Conway, Esther
rdowns at ciesin.columbia.edu; 'Don Sawyer'
Subject: RE: Expanded Spreadsheet Attached


I'm attaching an updated version of the spreadsheet incorporating the
updates from the  LTDP Preservation Workflow v1.0.   Updates to the LTDP
sheets are identified in Blue.  A couple comments/questions/updates from me
are in Red.

Live, Laugh, Love, and Work for Peace,

From: John Garrett [mailto:garrett at his.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 4:01 AM
To: 'MOIMS DAI List'
Cc: 'Boucon Daniele'; 'donaldcarolann at me.com'; 'Mike Martin';
'esther.conway at stfc.ac.uk'; 'david.giaretta at stfc.ac.uk';
'rdowns at ciesin.columbia.edu'
Subject: Expanded Spreadsheet Attached


I've added sheets to the spreadsheet that record the activities, inputs and
outputs according the current LTDP Process Workflow.  Two sheets were added.
The first is the content of the high-level figure.  The second added sheet
is the descriptions, inputs, and outputs detailing the phase activities.

We'll have to see if this format is helpful to us as we try to harmonize our
efforts with theirs.

I think some work could be done assigning activities identified in by LTDP
to our phases so we can generate a crosswalk between our views.  We could
also look at the inputs and outputs from LTDP and try to decide where they
show up in our framework.

Live, Laugh, Love, and Work for Peace,

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