[Css-rasg] NASA inputs uploaded to CWE; telecon reminder

Barkley, Erik J (317H) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Dec 9 21:51:10 EST 2009

CCSDS Colleagues,

I have uploaded some NASA inputs for the teleconference tomorrow. If you look on the CWE for the reference architecture BOF (http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/default.aspx#_CSS-RASG  --> CWE Private --> Agency Inputs --> NASA Inputs) you will see some inputs with regard to the NASA mission scenarios, and a UML package diagram representing the current CCSDS organization in terms of areas and working groups etc.  I plan to address these during the telecom tomorrow and discuss a little bit about what they represent, etc.  For your convenience, the proposed agenda and telecon arrangements are  shown below.  I look forward to the initial telecon tomorrow.

Best regards,

---proposed agenda for the telecon tomorrow-

*         Brief review of BOF formation material  (see  http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/default.aspx#_CSS-RASG   --> Meeting Materials --> BOF Formation)

*         Plan re near-term deliverables

*         Brief review of various internal agency efforts re CCSDS RA to date

*         Tools/techniques re development of the concept paper

*         Concerns/issues that BOF members may have

---telecon arrangements---

Canada + US: +1-866-328-8761

Europe:  +1-818-354-3434

Meeting ID: 22737

(No meeting password)

Time:  0700 Los Angeles/1000 Montreal, Washington/1500 London/1600 Paris, Darmstadt, Munich

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