[Css-csts] Final (?) version of the SFW

Wolfgang Hell Wolfgang_._Hell at t-online.de
Wed Jul 8 13:49:00 UTC 2015

Dear members of the CSS-CSTS WG,

I have just uploaded to Cross Support Services Area (CSS) 
<http://cwe.ccsds.org/css>> Documents 
CWE Private 
CSTS Framework and Concept a new zipped version of the SFW. The file 
name is "SFW 150708".

The most salient technical change compared to what we discussed at the 
last WG teleconference is the revised material regarding the recording 
buffer needed for the BDD procedure. In addition, various other updates 
have been applied as to correct errors that had remained overlooked so 
far but for which the way to fix them was obvious and did not require 
any discussion at WG level. To the best of my knowledge the uploaded 
version reflects the consensus position of John and myself which we 
regard final because in our view this version resolves all technical 
issues that were open at some point - with the caveat that given the 
volume and complexity of the document there is still a non-zero chance 
that more updates may be needed. Who is going to find the last (but 
one?) problem?

Best regards,
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