[Css-csts] Updated MD-CSTS on CWE

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Tue Apr 8 17:33:22 EDT 2014

Dear Margherita,
As of last week's meeting in Noordwijkerhout, the members of the WG had not had a chance to review the MD-CSTS to assess its readiness to be recommended for Red-1 review. No decision was made as to when the book review might be completed. However, we did discuss the possibility that once we agreed to send the book "up the chain" that we could post it in a public CWE folder that CSTS SFW Red-2 reviewers could read to give some context to the review of the Framework book. In any case, some decision need to be made about how soon the CSTSWG needs to review the MD-CSTS.

In the meantime, I found a few typos on the v0.20 draft of the MD-CSTS. Also, while updating the TD-CSTS book, I realized that the section titled "Managed Information" should really be called "Configuration Parameters", since the purpose of the section is to identify how the various configuration parameters that are delegated by the CSTS SFW to the derived services to let them determine how they are to be configure (e.g., by management or to values fixed by the service specification itself). We discussed this change in the WG meeting and the change was agreed.

I have placed an updated copy of the MD-CSTS that contains these typo fixes and the change from "Managed Information" to "Configuration Parameters" on the CWE at URL

Best regards,
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