[Css-csts] When does the 'productionConfigured' event notification get sent?

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Thu Apr 25 11:32:12 EDT 2013

Section includes the four standard Production Status-related events, including 'production configured'. However, the table in Annex A (labeled "4-40" in the March CSTS SFW draft but it should be A-1) states that there is no notification when Production Status transitions from 'halted' to 'configured', which is the only transition into 'configured' that is addressed by the table.

Figure A-1 also shows the transition from an unknown state (the Twilight Zone?) into 'configured', which theoretically could be accompanied by the productionConfigured notification. But, practically speaking, will a CSTS ever be active before it's association production process is even configured? In other words, will the productionConfigured notification ever be sent?

Of course, the notification *could* be sent on the transition from 'halted' to 'configured', but this is explicitly ruled out by the table. Why was it decided to not send a notification on this transition?


Best regards,

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