[Css-csts] Comments on July draft CSA ADD on CWE

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Thu Sep 27 14:29:20 EDT 2012

Takahiro and Peter,

I've read through section 5 of the draft CSA ADD and have posted my
comments on the CWE in the Cross Support Services Area (CSS)
<http://cwe.ccsds.org/css>  > Documents
-4356-83CA-993252A38FE8%7D>  > CSS-CSA
ocs%2FCSS%2DCSA&View=%7B8045374D-F8E0-4356-83CA-993252A38FE8%7D>  >
Draft Documents
52A38FE8%7D>  > Cross Support Architecture folder at URL



The zip file contains two documents. The first is a markup of the ADD
itself. The second is a Word document with longer-form discussions of
several topics raised by the ADD. These topics deal with things like
correlation to previous and current work in the CSTSWG and SMWG and the
ability of the ADD to provide a structure upon which we can hang the
necessary constructs for CSTS and Next Generation SM. I look forward to
discussing these topics with you in Cleveland.


Best regards,



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